Industrial Steam Boiler

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Qidwai Associates is a leading manufacturer of all types of fired Steam Boilers, offering a wide range of Fire Tube Steam Boilers and Coil Type Steam Boilers which is also called Rapid Steam Generators. We are also one of the best supplier of industrial steam boilers like coal boilers, steam boilers, coal fired steam boilers, Biomass Boilers, Thermal Oil Boilers and Exhaust Boilers in Pakistan. Based on your steam production needs, we provide you with customized solutions to match those needs whilst providing greater energy savings, increased safety and reliability. Both Fire Tube and Coil Type Steam Boilers have the same goal: to produce ‘dry’ saturated steam to maximize the delivery of heat to the user. Both types of boiler operate along the same basic principles in that water is confined in a restricted space and is heated by burning a fuel source. The energy of combustion is transferred from the flame to the water by radiation and conduction, heating the water and ultimately raising steam. However, the means of heating the water to the point of ‘dry’ steam are markedly different.